Monday, May 22, 2017

Homeschool Goals

Good morning!

I'm the type of personality that can get carried away with planning.  I need to plan for some inner peace and calm, but there comes a point where I have to stop because then it can paralyze me.  It's such an interesting cycle!  Over the years I've done a lot of  homeschool research/planning and finally feel like I can stop and just do this thing called homeschooling...that is until something shifts in one of my children or life...ha!   Anywho, writing is very cathartic and if done right it can be helpful in the goal setting process.  So below I've listed out our overall homeschool goals.  My husband and I sat down and discussed these and we feel good about keeping this list in mind when making homeschool decisions for our family.  To be clear, we didn't involve our kids with this list, but we do keep our "fingers on the pulse" of what they specifically like to do and learn about.  This list serves more as a guide for me and my husband...oh let's be I start getting wacko and outrageous with ideas and purchases I want to make...hehe!  The thing that was most important to me and my husband was that these goals mostly be gateways to other subjects and ideas.  The last 3 items on this list are the only ones that are specific and those are honestly areas that we feel are lost on a lot of kids these days.  To us, they are important to make sure we've given a good foundation in these areas while also still understanding that it's fine if our kids aren't geniuses in those areas.

Overall homeschool goals:
You have permission to be exactly who you are in our home
Awareness of the world (other countries- culturally and geographically) 
50 States
Multiplication facts

So there you go!  This list keeps us in check and opens up doors, naturally, in other areas like writing, science, history, and even math...Life of Fred for the win!!!  My goal this year is to "work the plan" and go with the tangents instead of staying in plan mode. I think I'm off to a great start.  


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